
Here’s a video that surfaced from the LocalPoint BMX Jam that went down Kiev, Ukraine! This video is a little rough around the edges, but it gives you a good look at just what went down throughout the day. Although the skatepark it self looks to be pretty DIY, it has a lot of options to create unique lines and produce some wild riding. There’s clear proof of that in the video above! Check out a raw cut of footage that Alexander “Shurva” Rudenko after the jump if you want to see more!

Video report from last jam in “LocalPoint” Kiev skate park.
Everything was cool, thanks to the organizers for the good humor and excellent company.
Danil Mirzoev, Socrat Maslov.
Danil Mirzoev

Shurva’s part from jam in Kiev LocalPoint skate park.
Big words can not be compared with the fact that this guy got up that day. He was not forced to miss any single figure, he was everywhere and always took concluding tricks. His riding betrayed special mood this event. Meat.

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