
Get some perspective from Dan ruk on what it takes to get a proper video part down and some of the challenges involved in it…

Anyone who has put in work for a video project knows that it’s not always as simple as it might seem and there’s going to be some pain involved at some point. This weeks Madera Memo catches up with Dan Kruk to talk filming video parts and the work that goes into making it happen!

Madera Memo #16 – Putting in Work with Dan Kruk

Nothing comes easy. Click play to see how hard Dan Kruk worked to get some of the clips in his recently released RideBMX Pro Part. This behind-the-scenes look at filming with Dan features some insight into his process when riding and filming as well as one hell of a banger.

Make sure to check out his newest RideBMX Pro Part which features this clip amongst many more badass ones.

Film and Edit: Mike Hinkens
Additional Camera: Grant Castelluzzo

Madera BMX – Living the BMX lifestyle and producing American-Made BMX Parts” – Madera

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