
It’s been awesome seeing Scotty Cranmer getting back into the mix with the Youtube channel. It looks like he cooked up a new game for the guys to play that involved two dudes on a Gold Bike together trying to do tricks. If that sounds a little weird, you’ll definitely want to check this out to see exactly what’s going on!

The idea of this game is to put to bmx riders on one bike. It is as crazy as to sounds. We had 3 teams of two and each team got 3 attempts on the ghetto gold bike to create a tandem bmx trick. We all came into this with high expectations of laying down some crazy tricks, instead we got some really weird outcomes that still managed to be insane. Lets just say, there was speed, no footers, spinals, shoulder riding, falling, crashing, and pretty much anything that could have gone wrong did, but we had an amazing time doing it.