Mark Webb Goes Ballistic at the Southsea Skatepark


Check out Mark Webb, Jack Watts and Troy Hayward get loose at the Soutsea Skatepark in this new edit! You already know this is packed full of bangers.

In this episode of Back On It, Total BMX rider Mark Webb heads to his local skatepark, Southsea, for a jam session with some of his friends and teammates. For over 15 years Southsea has held annual jams to showcase the talent and give the locals a chance to prove themselves in a competitive environment. This year Mark and his Total BMX teammates Jack Watts and Troy Hayward are on hand to ride the jam and they absolutely throw down with 900s, double tail whips, and 540 flairs, to name a few. If anyone doubted that Webby was back and riding harder than ever, we’ve got your answer right here.” – Epic TV

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