Mat Hoffman on X-Games Cutting BMX Park and Vert In Los Angeles

Over the past few days, word that park and vert would not be happening at the X-Games stop in Los Angeles this summer. Obviously this decision caught everyone off guard and it definitely got some people a little fired up about it. Today, Mat Hoffman shot out an email to a few people explaining why they chose to do this and how this actually affects the entire picture of BMX in the X-Games in 2013 and into the future. Given it sucks not having that exposure, it does make sense as far as prize money and the combined exposure from all of the stops. Below is the email we received… Take a peek!

I would like to address the news that BMX Park and BMX Vert will not be included in ESPN’s X Games in Los Angeles this year.

As the BMX organizer for ESPN’s X Games, I, of course, would like to see all disciplines represented at all X Games events, especially my life blood, Vert. However, we have been reassured by ESPN that they are not withdrawing their support and coverage of BMX. They are changing the coverage of sports and disciplines for each stop, as their focus is to produce 6 diversely different TV shows. In fact, to put into perspective, in 2012, ESPN had 4 BMX competitions with $359,000 in prize money. This year, they have 12 BMX competitions with over $1 million in prize money, tripling their support for BMX.

This is progression. We will continue to strongly advocate BMX for all of ESPN’s events and we hope that the BMX community will stand with us in building upon this year and the years to come.” -Mat Hoffman

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