Matt Bischoff Named Snafu Brand Manager


I had heard some rumors that Snafu had been sold, and that there were going to be some changes to the brand coming. I didn’t know for sure, but it was just confirmed in an email that I just received. Should be interesting to see where things go with the brand.

Temecula, CA—On May 10, 2012,

SNAFU has been sold and is under new ownership. Matt Bischoff has been hired as new Brand Manager.

SNAFU brand manager Harold “McGoo” McGruther approached Bischoff regarding the SNAFU takeover last winter. After 13 years at the helm of the boutique brand he co-founded in 1999, the 50-year-old bike-industry veteran simply chose to pursue other business interests.

Matt Bischoff has been a part of the SNAFU team since the brand’s inception in 1999, and brings to the program a wealth of enthusiasm and experience.

Matt’s new responsibilities with SNAFU include sales, product development, team and brand management.

Expect some new and fresh things coming very soon from SNAFU.”

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