
It’s always a good day when Matt Coplon‘s name pops up with a new video! It was Matt’s 42nd birthday the other day, and that meant it was time or his annual edit to drop! Hit play to check out a bunch of dialed clips he filmed over the course of the past year from trips he has taken and some of his local spots down in Florida! As always, Matt delivers a good mix of tricks with plenty of creative and unique clips keeping things interesting from start to finish!

Ever thought about filming a section once a year after you turn 40?
Matt Coplon, longtime TM/ rider/ wearer of many hats at Profile​,​ celebrated moving up to Level 4.2 by putting together another collection of clips captured over the last year or so (this is his third such edit since he hit level 4). The last line at the infamous Buena Vista pool is classic.​ Long may these parts continue!
” – DIG

Celebrating the daily motivation I still feel upon turning 42; here’s a collection of clips captured during sessions after work and in the downtime between filming with the Profile crew while on the road.
Thanks to Profile Racing.

Thanks to Eric “Easy” Fabrisiak, Steve Caro, Dillon Leeper, Bobby Proctor, Jeff Maurer, Chad Degroot, Luis Pinzon, Chris Childs, Eric Holladay, and Kyle Kisling for motivation and assistance with filming.

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy.
See you on the road…” – Matt Coplon

Cover Photo by Kyle Kisling.

Song: “Electrolux” by Hoover. Song usage care of Dischord Records.

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