Matthias Dandois Starts BadB**** Bikes

Flatland street mind melter, Matthias Dandois, recently left his bike sponsor A Bad Thing. People who don’t follow flatland very closely (I dabble in the crazy videos but that’s about as far as my knowlege goes), probably had no idea he had something like starting his own bike company in the works. The new brand is listed as “BadB****”, so I’m going to assume that means BadBitch, which is pretty funny. Based on how much attention his riding gets, I’d imagine this won’t be a poor decision on his part. Here’s a few words about this news..

As you know, I left A Bad Thing and I didn’t have any frame sponsor since then.
I have the awesome opportunity to launch my own project, Of course I don’t do it alone. with the help of Yohei “Ucchie” Uchino and Ares Byke Company, we launch “SuperB***”, A new bike company.
The team rider will be Ucchie, Tsutomo Kitayama, Kotaro Arai and Me. I’ll choose some rider in France to build a flow team so it might be pretty cool!
The prototype of the frames are en route and you know me, It’s gonna be street oriented!
Of course I’m still on Odyssey for the rest of my bike!
For now on this is all I can say, More news soon!
” – Matthias Dandois

Spotted on Flatmatters

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