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Matty Cranmer Tells The Story of How He Broke His Leg


Nobody said riding BMX was safe, but if you didn’t ride and only watched Scotty Cranmer‘s Youtube channel, you would assume people breaking things is way too common. The other night Matty Cranmer broke his leg and is down for the count for 6-8 weeks. Here’s a video where Matty talks a little bit about how it all went down and tells you all the very tough details. However, now that Scotty and Matty are BOTH down, they decided they might as well be productive and teach Big Boy how to Rocket Manual. So, get the story from Matty, then watch Big Boy try and figure this classic trick out!

OUR BAD LUCK JUST CONTINUES! MY LITTLE BROTHER MATTY JUST BROKE HIS LEG RIDING AT MY SKATEPARK ONLY FOUR DAYS BEFORE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO LEAVE FOR AUSTRALIA FOR A BMX COMPETITION THAT HE HAD BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO FOR MONTHS NOW. With Cory coming off a broken ankle, Vinny coming off two broken feet, and myself coming off a broken neck we are dwindling down. When it comes to people riding for the channel but there is one man left that loves to ride his bike and he starts today, the big boy! With me and Matty being hurt, we figured it would be an awesome opportunity to teach big boy a new trick! This time we are teaching him a rocket manual behind our bike shop! Also break down the crash footage of Matty breaking his leg!

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