Max Gaertig – 17 Years On Wethepeople


When you look at BMX and their teams, there can be a lot of rotation as far as riders joining and leaving teams. Whether the rider gets a better offer and makes a switch, they just fade out with adult life responsibilities, get injured and never really make a comeback, or they just turn out to be a dick and nobody wanted them on the team anymore, there are a lot of reasons for why a rider will ultimately end up not being sponsored by a brand. However, every now and then there are some outliers. Riders that are amazing on a bike and off, continue to progress and produce, and continue to be an asset worth supporting for years and years. That list of riders is fairly short considering the average career of a professional athlete on any level (except for maybe field goal kickers in the NFL and professional bowlers) can be pretty short lived. Max Gaertig is one of those riders that has stood the test of time! Although he’s not popping up all too often these days, he’s still out there crushing it on his bike and continues to be a valuable member of the Wethepeople team after 17 YEARS of riding for the brand. We can’t even begin count the number of Pro riders that have come and gone in that time frame. Hell, half of you checking this out have probably lived in a world where Max has rode for Wethepeople longer than you have existed, haha!
(Man, we are getting old)
Either way, Max is going on 17 years strong and Wethepeople whipped up this short but sweet video showing their gratitude for him. It also sounds like we can expect to see something cool coming in the next few months. We’re not sure if it’s a new signature product or just a fresh edit, but either way we’ll be stoked to see it. Congratulations, Max! Hell of a milestone. Keep it going!

His video parts have pretty much defined forward-thinking street riding for generations, he set benchmarks way back and although at the time he may never have given it much thought he was always pushing progression at an astonishing level. Our gratitude for Max goes beyond anything and we are thankful for 17 years of Mad Max… Look out for something super cool early 2020 with Max…” – Wethepeople

Check out a bunch of photos and a few more words about Max over on the Wethepeople website!

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