Merritt put their Tension Hub Guard to the smash and grind test!
When it comes to testing BMX parts, a lot of it comes down to team riders taking a prototype out and beating the hell out of it, then making refinements to improve it until it’s perfect. But, even then, you have to look into other ways to test things to ensure it’s going to hold up to the abuse a BMX bike goes through. The guys at Merritt released their Tension Hub Guard a couple years back and it has proven to hold up quite nice. They decided to really push things to the limit and did a sledge hammer test, followed up by a grinder test to see how well it could take a beating. Here’s what happened!
“We took the sledge hammer and grinder to our tension hub guard to show how durable it is.The guard easily attaches to the spokes with a simple spring clip that keeps the guard under tension and in place. The tension system is away from the grind side, so it isn’t affected as the guard wears down.”
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