
Some of the Merritt squad hit up the new Shredzone spot.

When it comes to getting through the cold winter months, having an indoor spot is key to make it much more bearable. To help get through, some of the Merritt squad got in a session at the Shred Zone spot in Massachusetts. Hit play to check out what went down! This place looks like a real good time if you can get a chance to ride it.

Mike Brennan (@mikebrennan) and Jack Hennicke (@jackhennicke) skipped out on work, peer pressured Willem Jorgensen and Zack Henderson (@zacharyjohnhenderson) into doing the same and hit the road to the new powerplant shredzone up in Massachusetts to spend the Wednesday checking out the new park.

The shred zone is a private DIY indoor park that our homie Matt Horak (@matthorak) is involved with. A huge group of skaters and BMXers all pitch in to build and have a place to ride during the harsh east coast winter. They hold it down for the scene in mass and we’re stoked they let us come crash it mid week with them. @powerplantshredzone” – Merritt

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Tags: Merritt BMX