Mongoose Jam 2014 – Street Finals Highlights


There was no doubt in anyones minds that things on the street course would get absolutely insane for the Mongoose Jam! The Street Finals went down the other day and now we have highlights just to see how crazy it got thanks to Ride BMX. Take a peek!

From beginning to end, this four minute recap of the Street Jam at the Mongoose Jam is pretty damn unreal. Opening up with Corey Martinez’s never been done half cab to ice down a rail, a front flip off a ledge, a tooth hanger-to-over ice, tailwhip to ice down a rail, more than a few wild backwards grinds, and ending with Peraza’s super clean 540 cab down a set of stairs.

“During today’s Mongoose Jam Street Competition, pros and amateurs ripped at the Block, the Plaza, and the Outdoor Street course at Camp Woodward. Riders landed tricks in all three areas, but the coolest feature was Mongoose’s custom “M” logo ramp. The Street Comp was the second event in the Mongoose Jam, and the teams showed no signs of slowing down.

Campers cheered on the teams as everyone gathered in the designated Street Comp zones each offering riders a chance to show off a variety of skills. Every team had three runs in each section – the Block, the Plaza and the Outdoor Street course. Highlights included Team Illingworth’s Corey Martinez nailing a never-been-seen-before half-cab to icepick grind at the Plaza; Team McCann’s Kyle Baldock landing a perfect front flip off an upledge at the Block; and Team Peraza’s Jeremiah Smith’s technical combinations in the Outdoor Street course, to put Team Peraza in first.

Team Wallace’s Matt Ray, an amateur camper last year, took first place in Street showcasing incredible consistency and never falling off his bike. Additionally, Mongoose team captain Kevin Peraza, out of his usual Park environment, pulled off some wild lines and placed third.

Tomorrow, Mongoose Jam wraps up with the Dirt Competition, where it will be decided which team takes home the largest portion of the $50,000 prize purse. In addition, each amateur will take home a custom, American-made Mongoose frame as well as a brand new GoPro 3+.

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Street Comp Top Five Individual
1. Matt Ray (Team Wallace)
2. Ben Lewis (Team Ryan)
3. Kevin Peraza (Team Peraza)
4. Corey Martinez (Team Illingworth)
5. Jeremiah Smith (Team Peraza)

Overall Standings Day Two
1. Team Peraza – 190
2. Team McCann – 160
3. Team Ryan – 160
4. Team Wallace – 150
5. Team Illingworth – 140”” – Ride BMX

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