
Check out what went down at the latest round of the Monster “Cash Up” series!

The footage from the latest round of the Monster Energy “Cash Up” series that’s been going off all over the world the past few weeks. This past weekend things went down in San Diego for BMX Day and the Cash Up jam, and needless to say it was a wild one. Check out this raw cut giving you a look at what went down from the different spots and a ton of different riders. This one will likely get updated with more videos here soon, so make sure to check back!

First off, HAPPY BMX DAY 2023!!! Every year we put on the BMX DAY SD Jam, This year it was part of the Monster Energy Cash Up Series. With $5000 on the line and some of the best spots in SD in our path, we hit the streets with 300+ riders and had ourselves a day! Enjoy and try not to run into anyone on your way to the play button

Thanks to everyone that showed up and anyone who helped with getting BMXDAY SD up and running this year. See you at the next one!” – Our BMX

Hit play to catch all the highlights from BMX Day in San Diego and the fourth instalment of Monster Energy’s Cash Up series. Big shout out to Our BMX & Ryan Fudger for organising this one. Needless to say, the day turned out to be a wild one!

Filmed and edited by Trent Lutzke
Thumbnail photo by Wes McGrath” – DIG

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