Another amazing skatepark has closed its doors! Monsterparks in Latvia has been closed down!

At the start of the year Scotty Cranmer’s park The Incline Club closed down, and now it looks like Monsterparks in Latvia has also shut down! Fortunately with both closures, there is a plan of re-opening something new for both of the parks. The Par BMX crew made their way to Monsterparks to get a few final sessions in before the park closed, and it looks like they were all really productive sessions! Here’s a video they cooked up with clips they filmed before the doors were locked and the ramps were torn down.

It sounds like it won’t be long before we find out what’s coming next, so we’ll keep you posted as soon as we hear more!

Our local indoor skatepark “Monsterparks” IS DEAD!!! No worries, it will reincarnate itself in a new and better location pretty soon. Meanwhile check out these clips we managed to stack before the skatepark was torn down.

Featuring Ed Zunda, Janis Cunculis, Marek Kuhalskis, Karlis Leitis, Aivars Justovics and Janis Bauska!

There’s also some quick throwback footage with Kristaps Reimanis & Tomass Grinbergs

Filmed & edited by Tom Silins” – Par BMX

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