
TJ Lavin sits down for an interview on the Moore BMX Podcast!

The latest episode of the Moore BMX Podcast from Brant Moore has arrived. This time around the one and only TJ Lavin sits down for an interview talking everything from riding to TV shows, getting “fat” between seasons of his show, crazy stories and much, much more! TJ is always an interesting dude to listen to, so get on that play button and check this out!

TJ Lavin is a legendary BMX rider and host of MTV’s The Challenge. TJ has won many different BMX contests from X Games, Gravity Games, Hoffman CFB, DK Dirt Circuit, and more. He is an inductee into the USABMX Hall of Fame and was on MTB Cribs. TJ Lavin has had an incredible journey..let’s hear more!” – Brant Moore

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