
The Pool: Practice – More BMX Videos

Chris Wilmshurst dropped this edit on Vital from practice.

Mehr BMX >>

Freedom dropped this edit from practice.

Final Results
1. Dennis Enarson, Chad Kerley, Jeremiah Smith, Josh Harrington
2. Drew Bezanson, Pat Casey, Rob Wise, Michael Beran
3. Harry Main, Alex Coleborn, Ben Wallace, Kyle Baldock

Best Trick – Brain Foster
Best Rider – Dennis Enarson
Best Line – Ruben Alcantara, Kevin Kalkoff, Sergio Layos, and Tom Dugan

… and finally, there are a few photos over on the DIG site.

This is just a start of the footage that will probably keep pouring in for the next month or so. I’ll get some finals videos and what not up when it’s available.

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