In 2019, it’s not all too often we get word that an actual full-length video is coming, especially on the flatland side of things. Steven Lapsley hit us up with some news that his new “Nice Nice Very Nice” video will be dropping online in about 10 days for everyone to enjoy. If this video is anything like Steven’s past videos, we’re sure it’s going to kick a lot of ass! If you wanted to do a private viewing party before the launch on the 11th, you can hit Steven up for details! We’ll make sure we get this one posted on the site as soon as it drops as well!
“I am super excited to finally share with you this news! I have just finished my follow up to Forget What You Heard.
“Nice Nice Very Nice” is a full length film featuring Enoki Takahiro, Fabien Stephan, Gurvan Le Bloc’h, Mates Tucek, Pedro Melo, Raphael Chiquet, and Varo Hernandez.
It drops worldwide Saturday May 11th at midnight in association with DiversionTV on Vimeo and also available as a free digital download.
In the meantime I am setting up private viewings of the film. Currently there are screenings being planned in various locations in the United States, Finland, Philippines, France, South America and more. If you would like to host a viewing just contact me on social media @stvnlpsly or email [email protected]
Thanks for the interests” – Steven Lapsley