Nightfall Bike Co. – A Night with Aidan Chard


Prefer a lot of style in your BMX videos? Well, here’s one featuring Aidan Chard letting loose a ton of style with plenty of air during a session at one of his local parks down in Australia! This looks like it was a damn productive session to us and that box rhythm looks super fun to ride!

Just got home from a 2 week trip to canberra for ACT Jam, and decided to put this together, Aidan was kind enough to let us stay at his house for the 5 days we were in canberra. With all the chaos of act jam and him working, on our last night there we decided to go down to Belco and Weston and film this. Nothing but good times, shit talking and a little bit of riding. planning on hopefully editing ACT jam video next week so get prepared for some radness yeww!! Also don’t forget to support Austrailian BMX, Nightfall Bike Co is Company you want to support, get on it!
Filmed And Edited: James Fox
Additional Filming: Dylan Lewis

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