Nike X Figure – Kennedy, Barraco and Coulomb in Lisbon


Alex Kennedy, Simone Barraco, Joris Coulomb and Peter Adam all loaded up and made their way down to Lisbon, Portugal to see what they could find for spots. They came back with this absolutely dialed video for Nike and Figure BMX Magazine that you don’t want to miss!

This is a BMX video filmed in the streets of Lisbon with some of the NIKE riders. We wanted you to live this trip from inside focusing on these 3 riders. Immerse yourself in the raw and unadorned atmosphere of a 100 % street edit signed Peter ADAM.
Riders : Simone BARRACO (IT), Alex KENNEDY (UK), Joris COULOMB (FR).
Filmed and edited by Peter ADAM.
Photo : Xavier “BOZ” TSCHUDI.