
Odyssey kicking your weekend off right with this awesome new Chase Krolicki video that’ll definitely get you stoked. This is from a road trip they took to Florida where he hit up a bunch o spots and some trails. As always, Chase delivers some real dialed riding, but that ender is an absolute banger that you won’t want to miss. Check it!

Chase Krolicki teamed up with the homie Trent Lutzke for this high-energy video from their wild trip to Florida. Here’s Trent’s take:” – Odyssey

Chase is one of my favorite people to be around in any situation. This week in Florida with him was one of the most memorable trips of my life; riding bikes on the beach, hanging at some amazing trails, drinking a little too much, sleeping too little, and all while packing 13 of us in to an Airbnb. Chase killed it at every spot we came across amongst all the chaos and I’m hyped to have been able to document it. Enjoy.” – Trent Lutzke

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