
The OGBS crew over in Hungary sent through this fresh mix for you guys to check out!

Here’s a rad video the OGBS crew sent over that’s loaded with some real solid riding from skatepark sessions that they have gotten in over the course of the past few months. This has a good mix mix of tricks and styles, keeping things interesting from start to finish. Get on that play button and check out what they cooked up for you!

http://ogbs.hu @ogbs_bmx

Csányi Barna @barnacsanyi
Németh Ákos @nmthakosbmx
P. Nagy Tamás @pnagykillah
Popa Roland @poparoland
Gál Tamás @tamas_gal

MTB: Takacs Gyuri @gyuritakacs

Camera/Edit: Soós Tibor”