Oldscool – Hal & Leigh’s Excellent Adventure: The Excellent Ending

This is awesome. Leigh Ramsdell and Hal Brindley met their extended goal on their Kickstarter page to get things rolling with Oldscool so they were able to drop this video with the good ending instead of that bad ending where they fail miserably and all hell breaks loose… Actually, I don’t know how it ends, but either way. They’re finally ready to start pumping out some classic shirts. Below are the top 10 and it sounds like that is just the beginning. Get stoked.

1) Toboggan (Play)
2) Drunk on a Bike (Useless)
3) For Men With 20 Inchers aka Hardcore (2B)
4) Turndown (Play)
5) New Toboggan (Play)
6) Convoy (2B)
7) Angst (2B)
8) Binky & Scamper (Play)
9) Hell on Wheels (Play)
10) Fork (2B)

Leigh and I just wanted to make a silly video for our kickstarter project and things got a little out of control. This is the result. We produced two different endings based on whether or not we achieved our stretch goal of $6,066. Amazingly, we reached it on the final day and were able to release the film with the “excellent” ending. Here it is!
Produced by Hal Brindley and Leigh Ramsdell with special appearances by Steve Crandall and Scamper.

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