Categories: On The Horizon

On The Horizon: Cult



It’s been quite some time since we’ve done one of these On The Horizon pieces where we catch up with a brand to find out what they have going on these days and what’s coming down the road. The other day, the guys over at Cult released their brand new website along with their full range of 2016 product from complete bikes to frames and parts. Between that, Cult celebrating their 5 year anniversary a little while back and the constant flow of projects that the team and brand are working on, we felt like it would be a good time to hit up the boss man, Robbie Morales, and talk about what Cult has going on these days and to get a good look at some of the new 2016 product. So, if you’re curious as well… Let’s get into this!


Hey Robbie! How’s things going on your end? I’d imagine it’s kind of slowing down for you now that we’re rolling into the “winter” season.
Recharging a bit from a long summer, but I think we are really trying to push and keep BMX in the right light now. Things have changed so much just in the last 5 years. I hope we see a return to all around riding and just generally having fun on our bikes.

It’s been a while since we’ve talked about what is going on with Cult these days. I guess let’s start out with the latest news. You guys launched a brand new website the other day with updated team pages, product pages and everything. How has the reaction been so far?
Psyched on the new site, much easier to use and we are shipping worldwide on our web store for the first time. Response has been good, like most things we do it’s always a work in progress.

2016 Cult Control complete.

Who did the design work for the site? Seems like you guys always have a different approach to the image for Cult with Adam Roye at the helm of the design work.
We have a cool dynamic between ADAM L. ROYE and JAVIER GARCIA. Adam keeps the design dialed and Javee handles the execution and roll out. Without these two I’m not sure where we would be.

With more and more brands offering more of their ranges through their web stores, does Cult have any plans of doing that or are you sticking with just the softgoods and basics?
For now just softgoods and trinkets, we let the major mail orders like DAN’S COMP, EMPIRE and ALBE’S do the full range online for us.

Cult 2016 TRF Frame

Speaking of your product range, you guys just dropped the 2016 range with new completes, frames and parts. What are a few of the items you’re especially stoked on? I’d imagine that Trails frame has been a long time coming from the Trail Boss himself, haha.
Haha, thanks, the TRF has the classic geometry some of us grew up riding. It is so comfortable, funny how a few degrees here or there can make a huge difference. Our latest completes, frames and parts are the ones I’m the most proud of. We reached 5 years with the brand and seem to have the bugs worked out and hitting the real stage now.

Cult has always been big supporters of the younger crowd with your 12”, 16” and 18” completes. From your perspective, how has Cult, along with a number of other brands offering smaller bikes, had an effect on the future of BMX because of that?
The proof is in the riding, take MAX VU for instance, his riding is on a pro level. At such a young age, the equipment allows him to progress at a amazing rate. It’s wild watching him and other young bucks get wild, the future is definitely bright for young dudes.

2016 Cult Juvenile 18″ Complete

2016 Cult Juvenile 16″ Complete

2016 Cult Juvenile 12″ Complete

You have always been pretty good at predicting trends and just setting a path for people to follow. Where do you expect to see BMX in the next five years? Do you see a shift in the age of pro riders going sub 18?
Well, luckily we are at the point where parents may have actually ridden BMX or are at least aware of what it is.This makes such a difference and younger riders can have a voice and not seem like they are asking to be apart of something bizarre. Plus hopefully the parent will want to provide a dialed bike from a dedicated brand for their child to start out on. So many things are changing, from local contests to the possibility of park in the Olympics. Overall we need to take as much control as possible, riders,brands and media need to come together like never before and support BMX and each other, or we may see things keep getting smaller.

Cult Hawk Cranks

New 2016 Purple colorway.

The Cult team is always up to something from trips to Dak winning Street Rider of the Year at NORA Cup a few weeks back. What do you have cooking for the guys coming up in the next few months? Any team trips planned or cool projects you can tell us about?
We always seem to be filming and with VEESH filming full time for us, we should have details on a new project soon.

With the “Talk Is Cheap” and “Small Talk” full-lengths being produced in Cult’s short existence. Have you guys considered working on another full-length video at all? Would you go with another DVD or is there another approach you think you would take the full-length if there’s a next time?
We really enjoy getting the crew together and going on trips, most of us live in different areas of the country, so when we get the band back together the stoke is high. I like full-lenths because they are like a battle and they push you to the limit of insanity haha. Some type of DVD will be released from us in the future.

Dakota Roche signature pedals.

You’re no stranger to the collaborations between shops and brands like Vans and The Simpsons. Do you have any collaborations in the works in the near future we can expect to hear more about soon?
Lately we have been doing some shop collabs. KINGS RIDE SHOP did some custom color way completes and it’s a cool way for the shop to have specific product that can only be purchased at said shop. We ale teamed up with THE TRIP to do a Andrew Castaneda SOS frame that came out banging. We also will have a shirt to go with it asap.

2016 Cult X The Trip Andrew Castaneda Frame.

The first five years went flying by. Where do you see Cult in the next five years?
Hopefully still living this lifestyle and keeping BMX progressing in the right direction to the best of our abilities.

There’s been a lot of talk about BMX being dead and going through another historic recession, even though it seems like that happened a few years ago and things have been turning around. What is your perspective on the whole “BMX is dead” thing these days?
It’s what you make of it, yeah, things are slow but what are we doing to get it back on the right track? Personally at CULT we are fighting everyday to make things better, for the riders, shops and mail orders, distributors, employees and media. We never stop trying to help be better than the day before.

How can people keep up with Cult these days?
Everything starts from

Instagram: @cultcrew


Twitter: @cultcrew

Anything we missed you want to add?
We are all in this together, even if we are on different levels and journeys, we should at least be able to respect each other as riders.

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