Categories: On The Horizon

On The Horizon: Native Bikes


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Native is a small brand based out of Florida that has been growing by doing one thing… creating strong, reliable, American made BMX products. Jeff Harrington caught up with the owner, James Covington, to find out what they are all about! Check out this video to find out more about Native and why they kick so much ass. After you check out the video, James is doing a little giveaway for you creative people out there! Find out all the details below.

Filmed and edited by Jeff Harrington

We want to see your hand made goods. Go to our Facebook Page and add us. Leave a comment with a photo of something you hand made or modified. It can be bike related, it can have absolutely nothing to do with bikes. We, at Native bikes, appreciate many things other than bicycles. We appreciate, above all, hand crafted things. Leave us a photo of your work and give an explanation if needed. At the end of one month we will post our winner. First prize gets a custom leather seat; railed, pivotal, or one piece. The possibilities are endless. you pick the colors, design, and any custom work you want. Two other honorable mentions will get a hand printed t-shirt and trucker hat along with some other goodies!
thanks to everyone in advance and keep it original.
” James- Native Bikes

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