Categories: On The Horizon

On the Horizon: Savakas



I was first introduced to Savakas through DIG when Fred posted up a few shots of the shirts they produce. Shortly after, Mark Noble put James Weston (Owner of Savakas) in touch with me. It’s no doubt that I had been interested since the fashion side of BMX has caught my attention quite a bit the last year or so. I was interested what Savakas was all about and I lined up this On the Horizon with James. So, check out what the brand is all about already!

Savakas is a new clothing brand that has been surfacing in BMX as of lately. When did you decide to start the brand and what made you want to get into clothing since it seems like clothing seems to be a hard thing to do in BMX?
I’ve been involved in BMX almost all of my life, although I avoided getting involved other than actually riding for many years; maybe it was inevitable, it’s in my blood. Savakas is just a perspective, represented though clothing. We just want to offer something grassroots and obtainable that people can relate to.


There was a time, in the early nineties in skateboarding, where it got so rediculously techincal, it kind of killed it. Kids couldn’t relate to what they saw in videos etc, and it kind of lost that original vibe, to just go out in the street or wherever and just carve about. I feel BMX is a little like that, and a lot of the personality and originality seems lost to technicality. Savakas is just a representation of what we feel BMX, and life in general, is.

Where are you guys based out of?
We are based in the UK, a small town called Wivenhoe east of London

Who are the people including yourself involved with the brand? Do you have any plans of expanding and bringing more people in to help out?
Many people have been/are involved with Savakas. Obviously myself and the team, a few artists, many riders and friends have lent a hand at various points. I don’t wont to list names incase I forget any of these fine individuals! I’m always interested in getting more people involved, they just have to share our perspective on things!

What is a typical day like for you? I’d imagine since it’s a new brand you get yourself into a lot of different things?
My days vary incredibly. But at the moment it kind of goes like this;
Wake up about 6am, drink a pot of coffee and do an hours ride on my rode bike, I need this time away from everything! I often come up with ideas when im out on my bike, and also often shoot photos. Then I get home, do emails, contact people I need to with regards to the brand. Then work for a while on whatever is current at the time. For instance, I’ve been working on frame graphics for Deluxe, new products and designs for savakas amongst other things. Then hit the bowl/trails and ride for a while, listen to a shit ton of music and reserch stuff in the afternoon. The rest of the day will be general errands, sell some products locally, and ride the bowl in the evening.

What is your current line looking like? I noticed on your site you only have black and white options. Is that going to change at all?
Savakas is a relatively loose affair. There is not ever a precise line arranged for a given season, its a little more spontanious than that, maybe this is a plus to being a small brand. The simplicity of the black and white color ways fits the brand, and universally appeals to people. But, of course there will be variation, we are always ready to chop and change with where we feel we want to go at that point. There are a few different designs about to come out, also some new products for the colder months;eg. A padded Plaid shirt, a sweater, Beenies and Hoodies.

What are some of the goals you have for the brand and where do you see things going as time goes on?
There never has been, nor, ever will be, a solid plan of action with the brand. It will develop how it develops naturally. However, if there is a goal, it is to do Savakas, not whatever is ‘en vogue’ at the time! Obviously our interests will influence what we do, but it is important to maintain our ideas and aesthetic. I would like the brand to grow, both in popularity, and in what products we offer. Also, I would like to have more involvement with music, this is as important as BMX to me.

How often will you be changing up designs? Do you have any signature shirts from the team coming along?
As the brand grows, the opputunity to do more, and have more diversity becomes more obtainable, thus our designs will change more often, I’m always working on so much new stuff, so there will be a lot more where this came from. It’s funny you mention signiture shirts, because that has been on my mind during the morning rides!

Do you plan on making anything other than clothing with Savakas?
Yes! However, there is no plan on becoming a fully fledged bike company. We have a few interesting things in the pipeline right now.

Photo: James Brooks

Who are the riders you sponsor?
Tom Blyth
Daniel Benson
Rob Castle
James Brooks
Thomas Calcagno
Max Bimar
Shoji Tanaka
The rest of the team/Collective are good friends.

Do you have any plans of expanding the team? What kind of advice do you have for riders looking to get hooked up by Savakas?
I’m always open to get more riders/artists involved, if they have a similar perspective/approach to life. I’m not sure about advice, but if your into our brand then feel free to get in contact!

Do you have any team trips, videos, or anything like that in the works that people should be keeping an eye out for?
Yes, initially doing web edits etc was not of great concern, we wanted to concentrate on establishing something we are happy with as a brand. Not just have some dude doing 3 minutes of crazyness wearing a sub mediocre shirt representing some stereotypical idea. I feel Savakas is going in the right direction, so now we have got some video projects in the works. There are a few interviews and projects coming up over the net and magazines to watch out for amongst other things. A trip may well be on the way…who knows!

Where can people pick up Savakas? What’s your website link? Are you guys on Facebook or Twitter at all?
Depending on where you situated.
We sell direct from our site;

In the States, Wasted Youth take care of business, so drop them a line;

In France;

For up to date goings on check out our facebook;
And our blog is updated daily;

Who should shops or distributors contact to get your products in their shops and warehouses?
Its best to contact us directly;
We are currently available in the UK, USA, Australia and Japan. However, we can ship anywhere in the world. If you are interested in distributing/stocking Savakas drop us a line.

Is there anything I missed you want to say?
“You Do You. Let everyone else be themselves and you worry about your own shit” – Chet Childress said this, as good advice as any!

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Tags: Savakas

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