
The Par BMX team recently made a trip out to Athens, Greece to explore the city and ride all of the spots the place had to offer! The crew ended up stacking a ton of clips and they came home with one real solid BMX video! Hit play to check out the riding, then check out TWO photo galleries – Photogallery 1 and Photogallery 2 – from the trip!

This is our team trip to the wonderful city of Athens (Greece)! Good times, good vibes!
Oskars Zajarskis
Kristaps Reimanis
Simonas Norkus
Tom Silins
Janis Dreimanis
Rudolfs Veidemanis
Aivars Sneiders
Special thanks to John Manaras and Dimos Ganiatsas for helping us throughout our journey!
Filmed by the whole crew, edited by Tom Silins

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