Categories: BMX Videos

Pascal Lafontaine X Nicolas Poitras Gamache – The Watch Tower

Here’s one to start the week off right. Our friend, Pascal Lafontaine, up in Canada teamed up with his friend and film maker, Nicolas Poitras-Gamche, to stack some clips around their home of Montreal along with footage from his recent trip to Long Beach, California here in the U.S. This video is the end result that’s loaded with some great riding, awesome spots and some clean filming and editing. Plus, you can’t go wrong with some Jimi Hendrix, am I right? Hit that play button and enjoy!

If you can’t watch it on Youtube, we’ve also made it available on Vimeo.

Follow Pascal Lafontaine
Twitter: @PascalCcl
Instagram: @pascalllafontaine1

Film and Cut : Nicolas Poitras-Gamache
Twitter: @NicolasPGamache
Instagram: @NicolasPoitrasGamache

Additionnal filming : Vlad Poloukhine

Song: Jimi Hendrix – All Along The Watchtower

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