
Monster Energy‘s Unleashed Podcast recently brought Pat Casey in to the headquarters to do an interview. Hit play for an hour of Pat talking about everything from his backyard ramps to riding, and more. Give it a listen!

Get ready for a true must-listen for BMX fans! Danny and The Dingo talk shop with multiple X Games medalist and BMX innovator Pat Casey. Known for inventing technical tricks like the fakie cashroll and decade backflip, Casey is part of a new generation of BMX riders that redefined the sport in the 2010s. Casey’s ‘Dreamyard’ video series, filmed at a 10,000 square feet ramp facility at his residence, has garnered over 1.3 million views – and counting.

Listen closely as Casey shares what it takes to become a successful pro BMX athlete and The Dingo shares his childhood dreams – and battle scars – of a BMX racing career. Only on UNLEASHED!” – Monster Energy

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