
Check out this bio with Paul Rad!

This is awesome. Jerrod Glasgow AKA Murderbike dropped this new bio video featuring Paul Radosevich who not only is a complete shredder, but a key person at Ray’s MTB who keeps the ramps dialed in among every other role there. This is a cool look at him as a person, along with a look at what he’s all about. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of these style videos!

When I think of BMX in the midwest a lot of names come to mind, Paul Rad is one of those names.
I’ve always known Paul to be the dude that works at skateparks, builds ramps, and rips on his bike, but I wanted to know more.
I made two trips to Cleveland (February & June) to see what Paul’s life is like revolving around Ray’s MTB and outside of work.
Here’s what I came up with…
Filmed/edited by Murderbike
Additional filming by Josh Babu and Keith Doud
Checkout RaysMTB youtube channel for weekly videos

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