Categories: Photogallery

Photogallery – Red Bull Dreamline – Qualifiers

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*Click images to see in full resolution.

The past few days have been, well, a dream. Red Bull gave Anthony Napolitan and his team of builders (Adam Aloise and Cody Nutter to name a few…) free reign on the hills of Coffee Mill Ski Resort in Wabasha, Minnesota to build the best possible dirt course they could. With months of secrecy for organizing and building the course, it was finally unveiled with a video that melted minds. Fast forward a few weeks and some of the best dirt riders in the world are flying into Minnesota wondering where the hell they are.
Thursday was the first official practice day, and Friday brought the qualifiers. This contest was ran entirely different than any other contest because the format was very loose. Eight riders would get a one hour heat to get as many runs down the mountain as they can, while the other eight riders would be judging them. After both heats went through, four riders from each heat were picked for the finals that would take place the following day.
Above you can find 56 photos from qualifiers that went down Friday afternoon shot by yours truly. If you would like to see the images in their full size just give them a click.

You can now check out the photos from finals here.

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