Product: Profile Racing – Reversed Cotton Candy Hubs


Cotton Candy Low_600xCotton Candy Low_600x
Mini Hubs

Profile Racing have just re-released their VERY popular Jared Eberwein signature cotton candy hubs! This time around they flipped the colors so it’s pink with teal splatter, and I’m sure they will sell just as fast! If you’re looking to get a set, have your local shop or favorite mail-order get ahold of Profile right now!

A year ago, we introduced Jared’s original cotton candy color way: teal with pink splatter to celebrate his sweet tooth.
Now, a year later, we decided to introduce the reverse of that: pink with teal splatter.
Due to the amount of time and work that goes into producing these hubs, we could only do a limited amount of both Mini hubs and Elites.
Check with your local bike shop for availability.
All the normal specs are available through Profile’s Build Your Own Hub program.
” – Profile Racing

Cottan Candy Elite_600xCottan Candy Elite_600x
Elite Hubs

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