Profile Racing gives us a look at how they made the original 19mm, 48-spline spindles…
It’s that time or another round of From The Dungeon from Profile Racing. This time around, Jim Alley dug into the Dungeon to find the original tool they used to make the the 48-spline threads on the 19mm spindles. This design has become a pretty standard design in many BMX cranks rom many brands, so it’s pretty wild to see how it all started. Take a look!
“In celebration of Profile Racing’s 50th anniversary, owner and founder, Jim Alley, invites us into the company’s original Florida location where some sections of this dark and dusty industrial cave have been sealed off since 2004.
Over time, this building (appropriately named “The Dungeon” by employees) has become a time capsule; a host to historical artifacts capturing Profile’s legacy in both the automotive and bicycle industry.
Join us on this multi-episode series as we press record and let Jim imbue his wealth of knowledge on conjured pieces of the past.
This is From the Dungeon.
Episode #3: The inception of the first 19mm, 48 splined crank spindle.
On episode #3 of From the Dungeon, Jim Alley gives us insight on the manufacturing (and the tools involved) of the FIRST 19mm, 48 splined crank axle (a design stemming from Profile Racing’s steering gears Circa 1980/1981).
Episode Timeline:
.45 — Found plasma cut table top from a past interbike.
1:40 — Found! The original dividing head tool.
1:46 — Preview of one of the original, 19mm 48 splined Profile spindles.
1:54 — How the dividing head worked.
2:17 — How the 48 serations were made on the spindle.
2:48 — Introduction of the cutting tool.
3:10 — Explanation of the lathe work for facing and drilling.
4:07 — The ORIGINAL 19mm 48 splined spindle.
You can check out the complete history of Profile Racing as we cover each of it’s 50 years, weekly, over the course of 2018.
Check it out at