Profile Racing – Matt Coplon Custom Build


Check out Matt Coplon’s latest setup with a few unique features like a plastic front hub and custom frame!

Profile Racing have released a new video Bike Check with Matt Coplon and his fresh build with a Out To Cruise custom frame, a few prototype and unavailable items like a plastic front hub shell and more. Matt always keeps a very dialed setup, so you know this one is no different. Take a closer look right here!

Our Freestyle TM, Matt Coplon, just built his latest custom, centered around a hand built frame by Alex Lepak at Out to Cruise.

With a additional list if custom parts made by Profile Racing, Matt takes you through all his specs and modifications here.

Filmed and Edited by Dan Dellorso.

For custom frame inquiries, you can reach out to @outtocruise via Instagram.” – Profile Racing

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