Profile Racing – Matt Coplon Year 45


It’s that time of the year again for Matt Coplon to celebrate another year of life and riding! Here’s his latest to celebrate turning 45 with a look at what he’s been throwing down while cruising street spots, parks, backyard ramps and more! As always, Matt delivers with the good stuff, so hit play and check this one out because it’s a real good watch!

A recap of clips filmed on the road to turning 45.

An infinite amount of thanks goes out to these folks for being a part of the filming process, and more importantly, for being THE source of motivation (in order of clips):
Eric Fabisiak, Dan Dellorso, Terrance Devon, Billy Woodfin, Gavin Guinan, Luis Pinzon, Alan Shirley, Alex Lepak, Chris Childs, Bobby Proctor, Jona Jachan, Dillon Leeper, Cory Foust, Latane Coghill, Dan Conway, Chad Degroot, Ryan Torrance, Gergo Kis, Steve Caro, and Dylan Kakowski.

Extra Thanks to Profile Racing, Skatepark of Tampa, Deco Bmx, Circuit Bmx Shop, Etnies Bmx, Radshare, Drop In Coffee, and FLBMX.
Thanks to Dig Bmx for their support in hosting.

Thanks to Dan Gorostiaga and Henry Wilson for music clearance: Cavity, “Supercollider.”

And to you, for taking the time to watch and for your support.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.” – Matt Coplon

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