DAMN! This video that Proper Bike Co. dropped is absolutely PHENOMENAL. Everything about this is so good. The riding, the filming and editing, the song and overall vibe of the entire video. I advise you check this out!
“We started trying to compile a ‘best of’ 2012 edit but discovered a ton of unused clips and ended up with this……a true mixtape with clips from Amsterdam, Lille, Porto, Paris, Bilbao, and various UK spots.
Featuring (in order of appearance); Shaun Jinks, Max Wood, Jamie Guile, Janis Cunculis, Joris Coulomb, Mike Miller, Gav Shortall, and Sam Cunningham.
These will be the last clips on Proper for Joris and also Gav Shortall.
Gav has been on the team since before Megatour 5 (2006) but has been concentrating more and more on his studies studies recently. We wish there was a few words to wrap up Gavin as a rider/person but there isn’t so we’ll keep it simple. Thanks Gav – see you soon.
Thanks to Janis Cunculis, Sam Cunningham and Clark Thurman for helping out shooting clips!
Song: “People can do the most amazing things – Kisses””
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