It looks like Props have closed down their original site after 14 years and launched an all new website for you to get back issues. Here’s what Chris Rye had to say.

I honestly can’t say exactly when, but sometime in the later months of 1998 we put up our first website, which for the last 14 years has served as our main location on the web.

Well, today it’s being retired. Permanently.

I’d like to introduce you to our new DVD shop and HQ on the web,, and sister site to our video blog

Over the years we’ve produced many videos numbering in the hundreds. That’s a lot of damn videos, and to be perfectly honest I don’t know how we did it. If the combined net of all those videos could tell a story about BMX, it would be one of the most complete existing documents charting the progression of the sport.

Many of those videos are still in stock but dwindling in supply. Many are already gone. This is your last chance to grab up the most complete history of the sport you love.

While browsing the different categories on the site, you’ll see a realtime number displaying the amount of copies that remain in stock on each product page. We have a lot of Owned DVDs, over 400 at the moment. However all the others vary from 10 copies down to only 1 left.

Once they’re gone they’re gone. Forever.

Do you really want to miss out on Fuzzy wearing a pink bunny suit in Road Fools 13? What about Garrett Reynolds’ mind-blowing Bio in Issue 75? Dave Thompson’s Bio in Issue 76?

While vert legend Mat Hoffman crowd surfed and Chase Hawk pounded beers with Crandall, BMX’s favorite band Lucero played killer live shows in Rock-n-Roll Tour 2 – one of my favorite videos we ever made. The latest Road Fools 18 still ranks as one of my favorite Road Fools productions.

Did you know Road Fools 1 was a bonus section on the Best of Road Fools Vol. 4 disc? Same with Road Fools 2 on Best of Megatour, and Road Fools 3 on Best of Road Fools Vol. 3.

And how can you miss the 5 killer sections in our newest release Owned?

All these videos are going out the door, fast.

We know cash it tight for everyone, so every DVD on the site has been discounted to make it less painful to stock up. With its clean design, I think you’ll find using the new store to be a pleasant experience.

Again, inventory on most of the DVDs is very limited, and many titles will sell out quickly at our new site Get yours now before someone else does.” – Chris Rye Props co-founder

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