Props – Owned 2011 – Jason Phelan Behind the Scenes


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Props posted up this behind the scenes look at Jason Phelan’s “Owned” section. Jason and Richard Forne have been busy filming and this was a painful clip they were trying to get in Israel. I’d just like to mention that if all security guards were that hot… and had guns. We would probably avoid running or anything that normally happens. Here’s some words from the man himself…

We spent two weeks filming in Israel and Jason took some really bad crashes, one which ended the trip early. This is an insight into one of those crashes. Featuring Jason and two of our Israeli friends Itamar Bavli and Tal Mazar. Basically this spot has been unridable because there’s always been a Fiat Panda or something parked at the bottom of it. Itamar decided it would be worth moving so that Jason could get a clip. After Jason crashed the first time we decided to try and block the channel between the rail and the ledge with a pipe, on his second attempt the pipe broke and the brick we used to rest the pipe on was responsible for his crash. While all this was going on the female security guard watched in disbelief, she nursed Jason a little after his second crash and cleaned him up.

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