Here’s one that Quest BMX sent through featuring a bunch of their team riders Instagram clips from the past year all packed into one dialed video. If you’re looking for some flatland goodness, this is definitely worth a look!

Bon voyage a phrase said to people who are going away, meaning “I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey”. Bon Voyage takes clips from our team’s Instagram pages. We hope you enjoy these clips from throughout the past year. We look forward to an even better 2017!
QuestBMX Team in order of appearance (and please follow us on Instagram @QuestBMX):
Mannie Nogueira @mannienogueira
Gurvan Le Bloc’h @gurvanleblochbmx
Jean-Francois Boulianne @j_fbmx
Mark McGrade @vsmile99
Steven Lapsley @stvnlpsly
Danny Sirkin @dannysirkin
Pete Brandt @pbflatland
Jeremy Brosset @jeremybrosset

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