Categories: Interview

Quicky: Brian Hunt


Brian Hunt BMXBrian Hunt BMX

Brian is one of those guys that no matter the situation, he’s got a really positive attitude and a smile on his face. Over the years, I’ve had the chance to hang out with him a bunch of times and I can’t remember a single time I’ve never seen him not excited about whatever it is he’s doing. Things headed a little south for him at the Asian X-Games a few weeks back and he’s been healing up from shoulder surgery. We figured it would be a good time to fill up some of his free time and find out what he has been doing lately. Surprisingly enough, it looks like he’s been making the best of the situation and it hasn’t been getting him down! Check it!

Name: Brian Christopher Hunt

Location: At the moment Costa Mesa, CA

Sponsors: DK Bicycles, Orchid, TSG, Eastern Boarder, Rye Airfield

Years riding: 14

How are things going with DK these days? Do you guys have any signature products or cool things lined up for once you are all healed up?
Everything with DK is going awesome, we recently wrapped up a 2 week adventure down to Austin Texas and along with the trip edit there will be some bonus edits coming out from all the adventures we had. I think we are trying to do another one in a bit but this time with Catfish, Kachinsky, and Bestwick who were busy or hurt at the time.

Brian Hunt BMXBrian Hunt BMX
Photo: Anthony Watkinson

How about things with Orchid? What does Derek have cooking for you these days? Can you tell us a little bit about your signature shoe, the Anchor? When will those be out?
Orchid is doing awesome, I’m really excited for the new line to come out all the shoes look so good. I’m really pumped to see shoes dedicated to amazing causes and watch Orchid be able to give back to BMX. (Catty trails insurance and Mike Tag Foundation) Derek asked me to design a shoe and I was absolutely honored to have this opportunity. We threw around some ideas, New England themes, and before you know it we had “The Anchor”. I’m psyched how they came out along with Derek bringing back the original Orchid sole. They should be out around July so hit up your favorite shop, mailorder, or and go to the online store.

Photo: Anthony Napolitan

Any other sponsor news you can tell us about?
Haha, not just yet, but maybe soon enough getting ice cream involved?

So you have been off your bike for a little while now due to a gnarly shoulder injury you took. What exactly happened?
I was riding Asian X-games street practice, I was invited for vert but I just wanted to cruise a really fun course with my friends and they were also looking for possible alternates since a bunch of riders didn’t show up. Anyways I’m having a blast riding this little rhythm setup and I was airing this quarter that was elevated above the rest of the course, I tagged the quarter and got sent into an awkward nose wheelie type thing and ended up riding off this 7 ft drop in the worst position straight to the back of my right shoulder. I ended up breaking my scapula and my shoulder blade in a couple of places. After a wild Chinese hospital experience I hung out in China for a few days then flew to California to get 2 plates and 39 staples put in my shoulder.

You had surgery and everything to get things put back together. How long will you be out for? Have you started doing rehab?
Yep I had surgery about 5 weeks ago now and the healing time is about 8-10 weeks so hopefully another month and I’ll be back on my bike. I’m doing a few low resistance exercises right now and I have to stick to that until my shoulder is ready to get stronger. The doctor made it very clear that if I mess up my shoulder before it’s healed it’s going to be way harder to fix. In the meantime I’m just staying busy and patient.

Once you are back on the bike, what do you have planned as far as travel goes? Will you be hitting any contests over the summer or will you be sitting out this year?
I plan on getting back in the swing of things and traveling as much as possible. I want to hit up “Kill The Line” in France and I’ll definitely be at Texas Toast. Wherever there is fun and friends I’ll try to be there. I also really enjoy Portland, Salt Lake City, and Colorado so hopefully some extended time in those spots. I really never know what’s going to happen since wild adventures somehow pop up.

Photo: Anthony Watkinson

You unofficially endorsed The Hunt recently. Do you have any involvement with that this time around or was that just something fun you and Kosman put together?
I don’t have any involvement I just always bust Kosman’s balls about using my name for a contest haha. He always laughs and we joke about how I can’t enter a contest with the same name as me. But for real I think it’s a great idea and a great way for riders to film something they are psyched on and win some money and get hooked up. I’m excited to see what the second round will bring.

Since you have been taking it easy lately, what have you been doing to fill your time? Do you have any new hobbies that you are getting into or anything like that?
I’ve been exploring California which I’ve never really had the chance to do since I’m usually just busy riding or hanging at a contest while I’m here. I’ve been kind of a crazy tourist just looking for the coolest places to visit from all the amazing beaches to Big Bear Lake and the mountains. No real hobbies except hiking a bunch and relaxing on the beach.

What’s one thing you need more of in your life and one thing you need less of?
That’s easy, more trails less stress.

You have been pretty good about keeping things going on your Twitter and Instagram account. How can people keep up with you?
I try to share my adventures and funny stories because I know how much I enjoy seeing a wild photo from my friends crazy travels or just reading a funny story on Twitter. You can see all my random nonsense by following @bhuntnh

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched and website you visited?
Lupe Fiasco “End of the World”, Step Brothers, and Google trying to answer life’s questions.

What’s something about yourself that might surprise people?
I’m an extremely picky eater, I like things really plain and I don’t like a lot of things. I’m also self-proclaimed best homemade pizza maker but that’s probably just in my own mind.

Photo: Anthony Watkinson

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to all my friends and sponsors who have helped me out while I was down. Thanks to Anthony Napolitan, Brandon Dosch, and Drew Bezanson for letting me stay with them while I was recovering and driving me to my doctor’s appts. Amazing friends right there. A huge thank you to Kevin Robinson, Aaron Cooke, ARF, and Dr. Chao for putting me back together. Thanks to everyone else for the well wishes and Kurt for this interview.

Anything else you want to say?
Anything is possible, go out and see the world with your friends and make the most of each day.

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