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Quicky: Chad DeGroot


Quicky is a new feature I’m going to try and start firing out here on the regular. It’s basically an interview, but straight to the point of “what are you up to” with no real extra non-bmx related questions that I’ll mix in with the regular interviews. I figured I’d start these off with the one and only Chad DeGroot. Anyone who knows Chad knows that he’s a definitely a little kooky, but awesome. He gets himself into some ridiculous situations and has some of the best stories ever. Chad also always has something going on. I figured it would be a good time to check in with him and see what’s new and try and light a fire under his ass to get another Baco contest going. Check out what he had to say…

Name: Chad Superman DeGroot

Location: Outside of Orlando, Altamonte Springs, Florida

Sponsors: Profile Racing, PowerBar, Deco, Mr. B’s, Etnies

Years riding: A ton, quarter century

How are things going with Deco these days? What is the 2011 product line and everything looking like?
Everything is great, making moves, making people smile for awhile. 2011 line is pretty sweet, adding a new color to the self titled Deco frame, cleaning up the Succubus flatland frame and new coatings, new material for the seats, the shirts are still funny as hell, and the pedals are making moves.

Profile RacingProfile Racing
Photo: James Covington

Do you have any trips or anything lined up with the team? What about edits and what not?
Trips are real tough with the team, with jobs and schedules were just taking it as it goes. Both Tom and Mat have lil Flip cams so they are getting some footage when they can. The edits are coming out amazing, Tom is ridiculous and Mat can’t stay off his bike…So everything is going really well.

How are things going with Mr. Bikes N Boards? I’d imagine the shop has been getting pretty well established in your area now that it has been going for a while now.
The shop is running itself, BMX is awesome in our area. James Covington and Greg Smee hold it down up front and are making people happy as hell. People are stopping by each week from all over the world, just to say Hi. It’s awesome.

What’s up with Powerbar? I know we’re on the same program and you are actually doing it right and keeping up with them.
That is awesome as well. It’s a program which we just upload a site and we have a budget for product all on a site. So we really don’t have to talk with anyone. We have incentives and everything is going real nice. It’s amazing cause I really like the product to. My family, friends, and everyone sessions the bars all the time. Just want to thank them for the good times.

I know you have been pretty productive with Profile lately. Have you been working on anything with Matt? Is your Coffee colorway out yet?
Profile is going in the right direction and so well respected as far as a company and the quality they produce. Matt is doing a great job and is fun as hell to ride with. We did figure out my colorway which is Coffee. I love coffee and it loves me, so why not have a legit
company get it done on the hubs, sprocket, and stem? Right? Were always storming up new ideas and making changes for the better for sure. Thanks Matt and everyone at Profile…

Photos: Seth Martin

Chad has been busy having pool sessions in his own pool this past winter. You can check out some real good photos of Chad riding his pool in his recent ESPN photo gallery.

Do you have any trips planned any time soon? I know you just spent some time up here in the snow for Frostbike.
Yes, got stuck in the snow…don’t miss traveling to the Midwest in the winter cause I always get stuck. So my trips are really going to
start in a month or so. Colorado, some Florida trips, Texas, and Taiwan of course. Gotta keep an eye on those people over there. Actually, I just found out that Japan could be happening, I am really excited about this…

Speaking of up here, when the fuck is BACO happening again and where? You know 4Seaons is down and Jellystone has no memory of the last one.
Care to give everyone a hint of hope for good times? Baco can happen anytime and anywhere. But with Dave and me being so far apart we don’t get motivated to make It really happen. There has been talk of another Jellystone, believe that? We are going to make something happen this year for sure. We owe it to people to show them a Baco Jam. Right?

Also, when is the next Baco video going to be done? I know you have the dudes filming for it.
We are sitting on a stack of tapes, Mortenson has been filming, we are all doing our thing, but we really need to regroup and set a date. Who knows, it might be done when my kid is old enough to get some clips, either way, it will get done someday.

What else have you been up to lately? Have you been working on any commercials or Red Bull events or anything like that?
That XXL commercial was amazing time and the final cut turned out way better than I could have imagined. Think I am done
in the commercial world for a bit, that was a lucky set up. As for RB, yes, we are working on a few events for sure. One got the green light, but its still hush for now. Tell you what, its going to be really crazy. Its not for awhile, so I have to wait on a few things before we tell the world. I can tell you this, People are going to go nuts on this one. My lips are sealed as of now…sorry.

Have you been filming for any edits or anything like that? When can we expect some front brake magic from you?
Front brake boogie is going down daily. Tony Cardona had the last edit on Profile, so mine is next. Its all done and I am really happy with it. I changed up the music a bit and had some help with the filming, so I am excited about it coming out in April I think.

Is there anything I missed you want to add?
If you’re in town stop by our shop (Mr. B’s) and say “HI”, also go to and leave some comments. The only people who comment are douche bag companies selling weiner pills or some other idiot crap… Lastly I hope your site kills it and helps the industry for the better. Things are
changing in BMX real fast and a lot of people are getting crazy. Were here for the long haul and I am happy as hell with how everything looks. Everyone should relax and enjoy what it is. Thanks for your time…

Profile Racing Sweet Carolina – Part 1 – More BMX Videos

Profile Racing Sweet Carolina – Part 2 – More BMX Videos

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