Categories: Interview

Ralphy Ramos Interview


All photos by Ryan Galvan

There’s been a lot of good things going on with one of Brooklyn’s finest lately. Anyone who has been following Ralphy Ramos has been seeing him putting in the work and it looks like things have finally paid off. With getting the bump up to the Stolen Bike Co. and Animal Bikes pro teams at the beginning of the year, we figured it was due time to get ahold of this guy to find out just what he’s about. Check out this interview to get to know him a little better and prepare yourself for plenty more of him in 2014…

Name:  Ralphy Ramos 



Years riding: 12 

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
My brother from another mother, Andy Cruz, was the first person I saw doing tricks on a bike and he’s the reason I got into BMX. I remember him doing peg wheelies up and down the block and being able to bunny hop super high. 

So you have been doing it for Stolen for a little while now, and you just got bumped up to the Pro team. How stoked are you on the way things have progressed with them so far?
I’ve been on Stolen for 6 months now and it definitely feels good to be on the pro team. I’m super exited about everything we have going on this year.

It sounds like you have a few signature items cooking with Stolen already like a signature frame, complete bike and a few other things if I’m not mistaken. Care to tell us a little bit about your frame? When can we expect to see that surface?
I’m still waiting to get the first prototype of my frame so I’m not to sure when it will be available. It’s a ways out still.  

What about the complete bike and everything else you are working on with them? Any idea when that will all be available?
My signature bike will be at Interbike this year and available around the same time in September.

Do you have any trips or anything coming up with Stolen that you are getting excited for?
We’re talking about a trip to Mexico right now that I’m really exited about. 

You recently got bumped up to the Animal Bikes pro team as well. How did they break the news to you? Was that a surprise or did they kind of hint at it coming for a while?
They always treated me like the rest of guys on the pro team and never made me felt like I wasn’t part of the team so I wasn’t surprised, I’m really good friends with everyone at ANIMAL and I consider them family. The news that my name was being added to the pro team got back to me before the boss Ralph Sinisi made the call. 

What do you have cooking with them these days? Any signature parts, trips or anything like that you can tell us about?
I have a signature new era snapback coming out spring/summer and we also working on tires but I’m not sure when that will be available.  Animal has a trip planned for every month this year and I’m trying to go on all of them. 

Any other sponsor news you can tell us about?
Not at the moment but you’ll hear about few moves I’m cooking up real soon. 

You have put out a few edits this past year that I think really opened up a lot of peoples eyes as to just how good you really are. Have you been working on any other videos at all? Can we expect to see a welcome to Stolen edit sooner than later?
Thanks, bro. I’m filming for my welcome to Stolen video right now. If things go as planned it will be live by next month. 

I can imagine the weather in New York is pretty rough as far as riding goes. How are you passing the winter?
I’m on the west coast right now and I’m not going back until the weather gets better. If you’re a BMX rider from New York you definitely hate the winter . 

Where have you been getting most of your riding time in these days? Any hot spots you have been real stoked on?
If it’s below 30 degrees I’m not riding at all. Anything above that, I’m in the streets.. 

You have done a fair amount of traveling these past few years. Where are the top 3 places you have had the chance to go?
Barcelona is my number one for sure, Japan and Quito, Ecuador are the other two.

Where’s one place you haven’t had the chance to go, but want to get to at some point?
I’m super interested in going to Israel. I’ve seen some dope videos and can’t wait to get out there.

A lot of people became pretty familiar with you through the different projects you worked on with Nigel Sylvester. Are you guys cooking on anything that we can expect to see any time soon? I feel like it has been a while since we’ve seen you guys team up for something.
Haha! It has been a while. We definitely have a few ideas on new projects. We are just waiting for the right time. 

Speaking of Nigel, I’d imagine he has been a huge influence and motivation to get you to where you are today. Do you feel like you wouldn’t be where you are today without him?
I wouldn’t be riding at the level I am today if it wasn’t for Nigel. I was done with riding after braking my femur. The doctors told me I wasn’t going to walk the same and Nigel had faith and believe that I could still move forward and motivated me more than anyone. That’s my brother for life. 

Who else are some of the riders and people that really influence you?
Ratboy, Edwin Delarosa, Vinnie Sammon, Tyrone Williams, Max Luger, Andy Cruz, Marco Palencia, Lucas Cruz aka Boyvery and both of my parents; Elsa Santos and Francisco Ramos.

Do you ever find yourself getting burned out on riding at all? What are some of the things you do to keep things fresh?
Traveling is the main thing that keeps me motivated to keep riding and progressing. I never get bored of it. Every day feels fresh. 

Do you ever wonder what you would be doing today if you never got into BMX or quit after the broken femur? Care to take a guess?
That’s something I think about all the time, if I didn’t ride BMX, I think I would be working a regular 9 to 5 job and probably dealing with 2 baby Mamas, haha! 

What are you usually getting into when you aren’t riding these days? Are you working a real job or anything like that?
Not working a “real job” at the moment, I’m a full time BMX rider. When I’m not riding I’m usually hanging out with friends, family, partying or going to art shows. 

What makes for a good night out for you? Any mandatory party supplies?
A good night out includes all the homies, good music, pretty girls, a little Hennessy to keep the blood flowing and a designator driver. 

Are you real good at anything other than BMX?
From what my friends tell me I’m really good at taking photos, filming, directing and editing .I want to make a movie one day.

Let’s say you end up winning the lottery or something cool like that. What’s the first thing you buy?
Whatever my mother wants, she’s the reason I’m here today and I couldn’t explain to you how much I love her. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I see my self somewhere in the Dominican Republic living in my dream house. 

What’s some of the best advice you have ever been given or able to give?
 Never be afraid of expressing your self . 

You’re on Instagram, Twitter and all that, right? How can we keep up with you these days?
Of course!
Instagram at @RalphyRamos 
Twitter @RalphyRam0s
Be sure you are also following @StolenBikeCo and @AnimalBikes

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Shout out to everyone at THE UNION, Ralph Sinisi, Dave Wooten, Enos Colombo, Ismael Mireles, Ryan Galvan, all my Dominican peoples, All my Latinos and everyone out there grinding chasing their dream!