
After the eye opening passing of Randy Taylor the other day, his friends and family are trying to raise some money to make sure things are taken care of. They setup a fundraiser which you can find out more about below.

The funds are to help his family pay for cremation and other services, along moving his mom into a new apartment because she can’ t go back to living there after finding him in his room. We want to help her get away from that situation. Any additional money we have left over will be going to getting some sort of a memorial plot, plaque, headstone, etc – Something people can go to physically to pay their respects. Randy always wanted everyone to remember him after he died and didn’t want to be another forgotten soul. We are also working on getting some embossed bracelets made up so they will be available as soon as we can get them here.

You can donate by visiting this link.

If you have any questions, please contact Casey Bowman at caseyjoebowman@yahoo.com

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