
Real early today, the Red Bull Circle of Balance went down in Japan. If you wanted to catch it here in the U.S you had to be up around 3 or 4 in the morning just to watch the live feed. It sounds like things went off as expected. Above you can check out a teaser for the contest Red Bull released the other day and below you can find the full release on what went down and who won. Expect more footage from the actual contest to pop up here in the next day or two.

Kyoto, 8 September 2012. For the third time in the history of the Red Bull Circle Of Balance, the victory goes to Spain’s Viki Gomez. The Spaniard made it through to the final round by eliminating Alex Jumelin from France and Moto Sasaki from Japan. In front of a sold out crowd at Kyoto’s International Conference Center, Gomez met up with Matthias Dandois (Fra), Jean-William Prevost (Can) and Hiroya Morizaki (Jap) who had battled their way into the final round of four.

The new time format in the fourth edition of the most prestigious contest in flatland was a big success. It created a good tension between the riders and gave the crowd Goosebumps looking at the clock which was ticking down while the riders used up every single second to show their tricks. Third place winner Jean-William Prevost from Canada couldn’t believe he made it on the podium. “I feel like this is totally unreal, I think I’m still dreaming. I stayed calm and stayed to myself and it worked this time.” The Canadian said.

The local crowd was hoping for Hiroya Morizaki to grab the win at the 2012 edition of the Circle Of Balance. The crowd got on their feet when the final 30 seconds kicked off and the vibe in Kyoto’s Conference Center was electric. Hiroya brought lots of original spinning tricks to the battleground but Viki Gomez did the same thing. The Red Bull rider did all new combos in his run and was simply stoked on pulling them. “It didn’t matter if I would win or not,” said the Spaniard, “I was happy to be pulling the tricks I had been working on for so long. To be able to do them at the finals of the COB is just amazing. I’m now going home and am going to take my brakes off and start working on new tricks for the next six months.”

The Rider’s award, a special prize which is voted by the 16 competing riders, went to Alex Jumelin from France for standing out all week.

Flatland BMX was lifted to new levels in Kyoto, Japan by the riders, and the organisation who both stepped it up leaving everyone wondering when the next edition is going to be held.

1. Viki Gomez (Spain)
2. Hiroya Morizaki (Japan)
3. Jean William Prevost (Canada)
4. Matthias Dandois (France)

Rider’s Award:
Alex Jumelin (France)”

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