The 3rd episode of Red Bull’s Tip to Tail New Zealandd trip featuring Mike “Hucker” Clark, Corey Bohan, Kris Fox and Jaden Leeming is now online and it’s packed full of goodness from a few of the stops they made along the way as they head south! The Moon Creek trails look so good! Enjoy!

Episode three is a BMX action nirvana, taking us from front flips and crazy whips in Napier to the wall rides and big boosts of the incredible Moon Creek Trails in Motueka.

There is a giant ferry ride in-between, a concrete behemoth of bowl in Greymouth, and a crazy park set up in the sleepy town of Reefton. All the while the crew continues its slow creep southward towards the tail of New Zealand. It’s all in a day’s work when you’re half way through a 3200km road trip that is Tip to Tail.” – Red Bull

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