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Renegade Contest Write-Up and Video

I don’t know if you were aware that I was throwing another contest or not. I do know that about 200 people did for sure though. At least 200 was the count I got from somebody who apparently felt like counting. I believe it might have even been more than that because we had 40 people enter the contest itself.

So last Sunday (January 18th) was the date. After close to two months of planning, organizing, and getting supplies to put together a good time. If you want to know why I did the contest, it’s because there are so few times that you will be able to get more than 20 people together at the same time to ride in Minnesota during the Winter. As you can see by the video at the bottom of this post, we had a few more than 20.

The contest was done in a format that I really haven’t ever seen done, or had really any idea of how I was going to do it. I honestly just showed up on Sunday and winged it, hoping people would throw in an idea or two to help the cause.

The format was this, when you paid to enter the contest you went in a random slot on the list. You were put together with two other riders to form teams of three. Every team would have one run for 4 minutes to impress everyone. I say everyone, because we left it up to the crowd, and people who rode to decide the winners.
After the first round and every team went, we had everyone pick the top rider from each team for a final run. I am not going to lie the finals was awesome because when you put a bunch of really good riders together, really good things start happening.

After all the finals guys rode, we litterally had everyone from riders to crowd go stand behind their favorite person in the finals. Whoever had the most people won it, that winner was AJ Haines. So, his original team which included Tristan Theil and Elliot Stumpf. The three split up $200 and then I passed out about 40 bags of product from the sponsors, I am pretty sure everyone got something if they entered. After that we did a product toss because I seriously still had some stuff left over after putting all the bags of stuff together.

Following that fun, we had a game of footdown who BJ Tomzic won, I think he got a fork? Then we had a high jump contest where Reed Stark won, so he got a pair of Etnies, then Seth Peterson jumped UNDER the bar so he got a fork.

Finally the vert wall challenge… Originally the plan was to see who could go the highest because the vert wall is super tight, and pretty hard to get up. After realizing what people had been doing all day, we decided on a best trick because somebody probably would have died if we didn’t.

Dustin Griess double whipped it, Brand Morcomb 360 fakied, and Tristan Theil did a double hand plant fakie. We really didn’t know how we were going to pick the winner, so we did a quick round of “Prove it!” and only Brandon and Tristan could pull their trick again with one attempt. This was fine because we had TWO frames to give away. Thanks Quality and Mutiny.

That concluded the day and contest. The 6 cases of Red Bull was consumed and coming down from the shakes. So, people started heading out. I know there was still about 30 people riding after I took off around 7.

I appreciate everyone for coming out, that was huge. All the sponsors! Red Bull,
The Come Up
Quality Distro.
Renegade Skatepark
I seriously couldn’t have done this without the help from you guys! Thanks!

I know I saw about 4 people taking photos so if you have some for me to post just email me at

Also, I should probably mention due to not having a super good camera, and no spare battery, my camera kept dying towards the end. I had to run it to the charger, then come back and film some more… So I know I missed a fair amount of good tricks.

My boy Seth Brown was running another camera, and should have an edit sometime this week, he caught some of the stuff I missed for sure. Thanks Seth!

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