Repost: Demolition X QBP Northeast Trails Trip Edit


The Demolition X QBP Northeast trails trip edit is now embedable so we’re making sure you get a look at it because it’s so good!

North East trails trip with riders, Chris Doyle, Kris Fox, Dennis Enarson, Ronnie Napolitan, Dave Dillewaard, and Mike “Hucker” Clark. If this edit doesn’t make you wanna hit the jumps, I don’t know what will. Each guy on the trip absolutely killed every spot. Huge thanks to QBMX for helping out with the trip and a big thanks to all the trail locals for being so rad, working hard, and for letting us come ride their trails! Enjoy.
FIlmed & Edited By Mike Mastroni
Music: W.A.S.P. – “The Headless Children”