Categories: Reviews

Review: This Is The Spot


Sorry for the weird photos, had to pull out the party cam since I sold the T1i and waiting on a 60D.

About two weeks ago, I caught up with Logan Reynolds to talk about his new video, This Is The Spot that dropped a little over a week ago. Logan sent over a copy for me to take a look at. I was excited since this video is stacked with some of the Midwest’s best, and a lot of my good friends. I decided to do a review of the video, so let’s take a look…

The video, This Is The Spot was Logan’s project for the last two years. Logan spent that time getting as much filming and travel time as he could with some of Milwaukee’s best while fighting off all sorts of factors like work and cars blowing up. Some how, he stuck with the project and the video was completed. I’d like to first say that this was a long overdue video. It seems like everyone hits the east and west coasts, the south or fly to a whole new country before they consider coming through the midwest to film these days. The only video I can think of lately is the Mutiny “Let’s Get Mystical” video that had a midwest section in it. So having a video that’s solely based around the Milwaukee / Chicago / Minneapolis / St. Paul area, with a little bit of Austin, Texas and Louisville mixed in is a treat. Maybe that’s just because I’m in Minnesota and think the scene is important, but who knows.

The video starts off with Jeff Dowhen. If you know Jeff, then you know he’s one of those riders that makes hard things look real easy. I think his part will surprise some people since it seems like a lot of people don’t know what the dude is capable, but Jeff is on it. Plus, he’s always having a good time and brings one of the best attitudes to the table. You can check out his scrap edit at the bottom.

Following Jeff is a mix from Anthony Malvasio and Cohl Wiesbrook-Peterik. First of all, I should probably give a shout out to Anthony for letting me crash at his place like 10 times. I should also say that I’m surprised he was able to get as many clips with work and his heavy Call of Duty schedule, haha. Overall, Anthony and Cohl both come through with some real solid clips. You can definitely tell these guys filmed throughout the whole project since some of the clips seemed older.

Following up is the Dan Kruk and mix section. Little Dan has been coming up these past two years and progressing real fast. I know his past few edits have had a ton of real good stuff that could have made it into the video. I know Logan spent a ton of time filming with Dan and they did a real good job of hitting good spots and Dan bringing some good riding to the table.
Dan splits the song with a bunch of guys who I thought would have at least a few more clips than they did in the video.
You can find riding from Brandon Hoerres (Really wanted more of Brandon), Grant Castelluzzo and Mike Hinkens. I’ll give those two a break since Grant has been working on his masters degree and Mike was down in a 3rd world country teaching until late last year. So both of those guys had some limited time to work with Logan.

Following that was a second mix section that featured one of the raddest dudes I know, Jon Wells and his buddy Dimitri the pigeon. I’ve been hearing all these crazy stories about Dimitri the past two years and I was anticipating the footage. There’s also a bonus section featuring the full cut of the Dimitri footage. I wish they would have included the clips they filmed with the bird on the road trip in the van. Wild.
Jon splits the section with Dan Dahl, Scott Smith, Nick “Corn Beef” Steben, Edson Nieves, Lil’ Chris, Casey Strong, Nick Bauer, Logan Reynolds, Andy Hundley, Jake Geisel, Eric Jenson, Tim Knoll, Pat Balgeman, Jeremy Kaht, Peyton Schwartz, Mykell Larrin and Ryan Hyatt.
There were a few people in the mix that I wish would have had a full part. Tim Knoll and Mykell Larrin both have some wild riding that I wish they could have got some more filming time in for. I know both of those guys have been on the road a ton the last two years doing shows, so it’s understandable.

My personal favorite section was Mikey Luplow and Jeff Klugiewicz’s section. They both have two real different styles, but they both kill it in this video. Mikey was one of those guys who has progressed a ton in the last two years, and I know Logan had to go to Austin, Texas a few times to film with him. Jeff K has Milwaukee on lock, and it definitely shows in this part. This one turned out awesome.

The Minnesota section that features Kyle Stark, Tall Boy and Reed Stark was more or less a Reed Stark show. I always seem to forget Kyle is actually real good, but he just doesn’t give a shit, and Tall Boy is definitely underrated as well. Reed spent a ton of time filming for this section, and he definitely kills it. I feel like Reed has progressed 10 times in the last few months, so look out for his next Team Dilly part because that will be fire.
There’s also about four clips from Erik Elstran. I don’t need to tell you those are rad.

Rich Nannini gets the ender part. Rich is built like a bear, but definitely has some solid moves.Logan mentioned this was one of his favorite people to film with, so I can see how he pulled a full part on his own. Definitely a unique style and has a good time doing it.

The credits are filled with outtakes and funny clips.

Overall, the video was real chill and filled with good times. The line up is a good mix of guys who are at Pro status like Jeff K, all the way to the up and coming shredders like Dan Kruk with a ton of guys who just ride to have a good time in the middle. I’d imagine there were about 10,000 PBR’s drank in that 2 year period this video was made, and I’m real psyched on that made up statistic that I just pulled out of my ass.
The filming and editing was real clean, and I feel like Logan did a real good job handling a project like this on his own. I’m looking forward to see what he starts cooking up next time.

The music in the video was more of a classic vibe with bands like Band of Skulls, Oasis, The Spinners, The Black Keys, Iggy Pop, The Marcels, The Cardigans and The Old 79’s.

The bonus section has the trailer, crash section, Dimitri the pigeon, bonus riding and random non sense that’s all real entertaining.

The video runs about 30 minutes without the bonus sections and I think if you are from the midwest, you won’t want to miss this one. Do I think the video is worth adding to the collection? Yeah, I think the video is packed full of a bunch of good riding, good times and that’s what BMX is all about.

This Is The Spot is available now through 4Seasons, RIDE, and a few other places around the Milwaukee area. You will be able to pick it up through Albe’s and Empire soon. I’m sure if you gave them a call, they could get you squared away with the video. You can also shoot Logan an email Logan.Reynolds @ to get a copy.