Categories: Interview

Rickey Bates Interview

Rickey Bates has been killing it lately and it has showed. He is a Florida ripper with a lot of talent. If you haven’t heard much about him yet well this is a chance to get to know him a little better. Enjoy!

Rickey Bates

St. petersburg/ Orlando, FL

Shadow, Sputnic, Mesh skatepark

Years Riding:
13, longer than I haven’t been riding haha

You are riding for Sputnic and Shadow. How are things going with them? Do you have any signature stuff, video parts, web videos, road trips, or anything cool planned with them anytime soon?
Things are going good, I think I might have a colorway with a frame. I have a part in the shadow video, and we all have a personal web videos coming out for sputnic. I’m actually on a trip in pittsburgh now and couple more trips later this year and maybe mega tour.

Do you feel like where your living gives you an advantage over a lot of other guys with so many talented riders, Mesh, and really good street spots?
There are lots of sweet people to ride with, streets kinda weird since everything is flat. It doesn’t make things too interesting, but it could be worse though, no harsh winter so thats a plus, but everyone migrates for the hot rainy summers.

What is on trick, or line, that has been bugging you the most lately?
Nothing in particular, just hard to find the right set ups lately or maybe im getting too picky.

You kill it on street, what is it about street that seems to keep you riding it all the time?
It’s just cool finding stuff to ride thats not meant to be rode, and theres so many options and ways to use spots.

I imagine you have had some crazy run ins with cops, security, homeless people. Do you have any good stories?
Hm so manyyyy, lots of cop run ins, and chasing, couple security fights, always hanging with crazy crack heads, it’s never ending.

What is something that scares the shit out of you when it comes to BMX?
Knowing I dont have that many years left that I can phsyically ride.

If you could go on a trip with 5 dudes and a good budget, who would you bring and where would you go?
Anyone from Banned crew, here for kicks crew, pittsburgh or casselberry crew , and probably go somewhere random like Japan and just see how far we can take things .

On a typical riding day, who is the usual crew you ride with and where can you be found riding?
all the people from above usually around orlando or mesh skatepark, or pittsburgh during summer.

Where are some of your favorite places you have had the chance to ride because of BMX?
I really like the northeast during the summer.

Where are some places you would really like to go at some point?
Japan, maybe spain, or california even.

You will hate me for this but… do you ever get mistaken for Jeremiah Smith because your hair?
Haha, nah its never happened.

How do you feel about contests? Do you have any plans to hit any up anytime soon?
Some of the street ones look alright, most of them are kinda jockish and way too competitive, but im sure they have their perks.

Do you ever play any of the bike games like foot down? Do you have any of your own games you suggest people try out to have some fun on their bikes?
The bone jam game, put on shin guards and pole jam each others shins, whoever takes the most jams wins.

Who are some riders you have looked up to growing up and even today?
Stricker, Homan, Marvin, Bennet. Now days everyone’s crazy so, anyone who does things a little different.

What does BMX need more of, and what does it need less of?
More of a old school feel, less seriousness, and pretty flashy fashion crap.

What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
sports and crack.

What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
Get hurt less.

If you could have any super power, what would you pick and why?
Teleporting, it’d just be amazing!

You find $1000 on the ground, what do you do with it?
Get all my friends together and see how fast we can blow it.

If you could be sponsored by any non-bmx related company, who would you choose and why?
Probably a food or gas company

Have you had any bad injuries BMX related?
ha um, broke both ankles, broke wrist, broke both hands, broke bunch of fingers and toes, broke out teeth a couple times, killed my face a couple times, bunch of stitches, broken ribs, fractured tailbone, hernia, punctured lung, ruptured spleen, bunch of knockouts, torn miniscus right now , but can still ride!

If you could spend the day with anybody, alive, dead, or fictitious who would you pick and why?
my friends.

What is your dream car and why?
SUV type that doesnt use gas, full of pointless gadgets Do you spend much time on the computer?

Any favorite websites?
and all the popular bmx sites.

Have you seen any good movies lately?
Me and my girlfriend watch alot of cheesy movies, but somehow im into all of them.

What is the best advice you could give to anybody?
Take nothing serious, it’ll all be over soon.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to all my friends, and girlfriend Tracie for putting up with my shit, shadow, sputnic, Mesh, and anyone who has helped me.

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