Ride PA dropped this new one that Rainer Etsweiler put together for your viewing pleasure. Filmed over the course of the past two years, this 12 minute mix is loaded with non-stop gems from the streets and a little park action. If you’re looking for grinds, this video is for you. Hit play and take it all in!

Bepiscrawdad is a video project two years in the making by a group of friends from Harrisburg and Philadelphia. The project was spearheaded by Rainer Etsweiler, with additional filming provided by most of the riders involved and Dan Conway. The video includes sections from Rainer Etsweiler, Angus Tuttle, Griffin Mann, and Mike Stahl with guest clips from Sam Downs, Noah Doss, Paul Lichtenstein, Andrew Thompson, Jesse Romano, and Grant Castelluzzo.” – Ride PA

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